Tricks & Tips

Facebook Fan

People take Facebook as a Social Networking site only, however, it can turn into a business with profits that are beyond your imaginations. Simple Question that might be clicking all of you is-how? Isn’t it? With Facebook Fan Pages, you can make as much as you want, if you are innovative enough to target a huge audience.Social media is enjoying huge audience and getting started with a controversial/worth-following/happening fan page is a good option. What actually happens is, according to the reach and reputation of your fanpage, there are advisors who approach you for advertising their products/services on your page. All in all, it’s a great way to make money.

Online translation

When you have nothing to cash, you at least have a language to use. Online medium covers this talent as well. There are sites that need online translators to make their products and services available in all languages.
Few sites are:
1. TranslatorsTown
2. TranslatorsBase
3. TRADUguide
4. Proz
5. Trally
You can earn up to $1000 a month depending on the package you chose for yourself.

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