Free Blog Hosts

Ultimately the first port of call might be to avoid web hosting entirely – depending on your website or blogs requirements. For example if you are thinking about running a hobby blog then there are plenty of free blog hosts that make the process of hosting and running a blog really easy. The benefit of many of the free blogging platforms is the fact that they give free hosting to their users. So when testing the waters for a new content or blog theme or if you have never tried your hand at blogging then consider some of the free blogging platforms that offer hosting as part of their package. Some of the best and most popular platforms include, livejournal, typepad, blogger and the microblog tumblr.

One problem that you might have with setting up a free blog hosting account might be your requirements for your own domain name. A domain name is essentially the address for your website (e.g. Fortunately there are absolutely loads of free blog hosts out there that allow you to integrate a domain name with your blog account. Some free blog sites also offer paid solutions should you require additional features such as website theme hosting for first website

There are some disadvantages that are common amongst many of the free blog platforms. Usually free blog hosts restrict the ability to change the core code of the website. This might not be such a problem if you are thinking about staying away from code as much as possible (!) but if you are looking to add any javascript for tracking (a requirement for Google Analytics) or you’d like to change the way the site looks then you normally have to pay extra or (in many cases) simply look elsewhere.

Another problem with free blog hosting is that the space made available to you is fairly limited which can be a problem especially if your posts are very multi-media heavy – e.g. lots of images, video and other files. Finally the content that is put on to a free blog site is owned by the blog provider – they have the power to take down content when it suits them. This alone does not make this the best hosting choice, especially if you intend on build a money making website.

When it comes to the best free web hosting, they are all great because they are free. However and stand out for me.

If you want a bit more control over your blog in terms of functionality (i.e. if you are not running a hobby blog..!) and design then the next step is likely to be a shared hosting option.

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